2/9/2020 0 Comments WHAT IS CONVERSION THERAPY?October 17, 2019 by Elizabeth Woning
THE “CONVERSION” OF THE APA The drama around so-called “conversion therapy” is not new. In fact, Americans have seen all this before… in the 1970s as LGBT activists first began attacking therapeutic approaches to homosexuality. Political pressure by early activists resulted in the removal of homosexuality from among the American Psychiatric Association’s listing of diagnoses. In the same way today, Christianity is in the crosshairs. Will prohibitions against homosexuality be removed from the Bible? Or worse, will Christianity, with its historic teaching about male-female marriage, be banned? That certainly is the direction LGBT activists are headed. Conversations focusing on the efficacy of so-called “conversion therapy” reveal a legacy of moral questioning that modern psychology and Christian faith have grappled separately with for decades. Central to the debate is a conundrum that continues to linger: should homosexual behavior be accepted and even promoted in society when the feelings can be reduced or eliminated? To read the entire article please click here
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